Joseph’s Dream wouldn’t be the same without our great grooms, trainers and caretakers! Any weather, any time of day and night, any day of the week and under any circumstances this amazing team is available for our horses! And most important our team is treating our horses with respect and care on a daily base of interaction. With deep passion and love are we raising and training horses full of trust towards us and our visitors.
Our team at Joseph's Dream:
Paulus (headgroom)
Koeni (groom)
Moses (groom & feedmaster)
Gavin (groom)
Jackie (trainer)
Simi (trainer)
Jeremia (guide)
Thomas (groom & caretaker poultry)
Frederik (groom & caretaker Alpacas)
Martha (cleaning)
Jakob (showing)
Annika (manager)
If you would like to leave a message of thanks or inspiration to one of our team members, please use the form below:
Thank you, for your feedback!