Sandwerf Re-Set healing Retreats
Burn-Out and Burn-Out Prevention
Reset your Life; crisis management.
Besides uplifting and empowering our community the vision for Joseph's Dream and Sandwerf has always been to become a place of healing. In a world overrun by image and speed in our Re-set Retreats we are focussing on slowing down your pace and listen to the African silence and your inner rhythm and health.
Here at Sandwerf, home of Joseph's Dream Stud, we have over the past two years carefully created a concept of professional guided healing retreats for you.
It is time to slow down and practise awareness, time to use your hands and not let the electronic world determine the rhythm of your day or stage of mind.
Let the sunrise and sunset determine your pace and be aware of the current stage of the moon each night.
Get a healthy distance to your busy life and reflect with the guidance of our licensed psychologist if your life is in balance and fulfilling or subject to need of change and restructure. Find assistance and ideas to redirect and implement change in your daily life. Learn to change perspective and find out what really matters to you.
Here at Sandwerf where no city noise or light pollution is overpowering the stillness of nature you will find the inner peace and balance to redirect and restructure your life forward.
Our passionate therapists and teachers will provide you with healthy tools and strategies and there will be enough time to just unwind and not having to think at all! Learn to stop ‘overthinking’ and that life is not as complicated as the modern world is trying to project. Learn from our four-legged therapists, like our horses & alpacas how to see the world in a much more connected and simple way and experience the healing calmness and balance of living in the present moment of nature. Let go of the feeling that your productivity or success is defining you and allow yourself to just be and be who you are, because you are carefully and wonderfully made.
Enjoy freedom and creativity in our art, music and dance therapy sessions moving to ancient African rhythms, or to really appreciate food by planting it yourself, harvesting and preparing meals with the awareness what is good for your body. Re-learn how to truly enjoy moments, sunlight, the soil under your naked feet and the gentle warmth of a horse’s skin touching yours.
Share your experience and growth with like minded people searching to calm down and re-set their lives at a cosy bonfire in the evening at our feedback round under the stunning Namibian starry sky.
Our Retreat programs are a sensitive combination of group sessions and private sessions with our licensed psychologist to ‘dig in’, reflect and learn in the mornings and different relaxing, creative or explorative block sessions with the animals, the garden and the local people in the afternoons. Our program offers ‘explorer days’ once a week as well where we will explore the local culture, nature and environment together as well as resting days.
Currently on offer for you is our unique three weeks Awareness Retreat for Burn-Out and Burn-Out Prevention treatment as well as our two weeks Balance Retreat as a lighter version of reflecting onto your life and it includes a one week Namibia Tour to the unique nature attraction of the country.