Traditional Appaloosa Breeding Program
For our traditional breeding program we've carefully selected the best bloodlines of South Africa (originally imported from the USA and Europe) and imported them into Namibia. Our individual chosen horses are solely of the finest quality; superb conformation, flawless movement and outstanding temperaments are a given - plus the bonus of striking Appaloosa colours!
In this program we are breeding the traditional (Foundation) Appaloosa type companion horse as well as a slightly taller potential Sporthorse type with a clean pedigree, but mainly, and this applies to both categories, we aim to breed friends for life and loving family members for you! Appaloosas are not only versatile allrounders for almost all equine sport disciplines, but their outstanding personalities are as striking as their unique colouring.
Originally bred by the Native American Nez Perce tribe, they were bred to be loyal partners holding deep spiritual connection to their owners. Left roaming freely in the field but always available on request and choosing to join-up to be and work with their people. This people loving attribute, their deep trust formed towards humans, their unbroken loyalty and their incredible fearless curiosity is still the core character of the Appaloosas horses of today. Which makes them perfect riding partners for life and qualifies them for outstanding therapy horses.
The Appaloosas hardiness and independent spirit makes them not only adapt easily to all new environments but specifically an extremely suitable horse for leisure, Namibian (and Southern African) Farm & Family-life; where they can roam freely in the field coming back to their owners by choice for interaction, pleasure, care and work.

Looking at the huge variety of heights and builds in the breed, we today have perfect dressage Appaloosas as well as perfect western Appaloosas available; but what they all have in common and what makes them unique and outstanding from other breeds competing in these categories is that they were from the beginning on bred for their loyal, solid and responsive character and their sensitive soul; in addition to their outstanding performance and endurance abilities.
It is not the spots that make them stand out against other breeds, it’s their outstanding ability for connecting with the human soul. This is what also makes the Appaloosa predestine for all Natural Horsemanship & Liberty training methods. These horses were taught (and bred for) to follow and be ridden by humans without saddle, rains and ropes long before it was given a name as a horse training method in the modern world…
Regarding the looks of our horses we try to keep the charm of the Foundation Appaloosa type in all our horses, even if it's just as a hint in specific features when bred more towards the modern Sport Horse type of today.
Here at Joseph’s Dream we believe in very selective and specific type breeding. Therefor we are keeping a relatively high number of stallions with us compared to our number of mares and foals born per season. We believe that the uniqueness of a specific combination is required to produce the finest quality foals in all aspects, plus the striking colours for you.
To provide you with a future riding partner that will excel all your expectations it doesn't stop with breeding the right horse. We are putting a lot of time and effort into the correct handling and training from small age on, to make sure once your new riding partner is ready for pick up, his/her ground manners and work attitude are in place for you.
You can book further schooling with us if required on request.
Dilute Colour Sporthorse Breeding Program
Our dilute base Sporthorse breeding program is an addition to our traditional Appaloosa breeding program and developed out of Annika's passion for the vast variety of dilute base colours… Here we are breeding top quality SA Warmblood & SA Sporthorses to our homozygous and tall sporthorse-type Appaloosas to create the finest quality Sport Horses and family horses with the superb Appaloosa temperament and the extra touch of unique and rare colouring!
Please note these are individual bred horses for a certain look, discipline and use and not representative for the breed or meant for stud book Appaloosa breeding.
Please drop us an email if you would like to be informed about new foals out of this program in future.
Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition wrote the following into his journal, when he first encountered these early horses of the Nez Perce on February 15, 1806:
"Their horses appear to be of an excellent race; they are lofty, elegantly formed, active and durable: in short many of them look like fine English horses and would make a figure in any country."
"…some of these horses are pied with large spots of white irregularly scattered and intermixed with black, brown, bay or some other dark color."

Friesian Appaloosa Breeding Program
Our latest passion is the cross and fine-tuning between our two favourite breeds: the Friesian and the Appaloosa.
It took years of searching to find and breed the right conformational suitable matches here and we believe we are now having put together a fantastic breeding program where we breed sporty, big framed but not too heavy, extremely well tempered and calm but also tall horses that are very versatile in their use and will make exceptional equine partners for life with a flashy and unique look and capturing aura to them!
If you are having the same passion for these two breeds you will love our unique offspring from this program where we really focus on the attributes we love and treasure the most in both breeds
combined in one horse, while leaving the breed specific health weaknesses or disadvantages (especially for our specific climate) and narrow gene pools behind...